Do cellphones belong in School

Do cellphones belong in School is an informational article telling you the pros and cons of allowing cellphones at school it gives a lot of examples about what good they can do and what bad having a cell phone in school can have.

I think that you should be able to use cellphones in school because they up the learning possibilities of students. Even though they have proven that they are distracting sometimes students will be more engaged in class because they won’t get bored they can also video projects demonstrations if you aren’t good at remembering how to do/make the project.

  1. Mobile phones first went on the market in the 1980s

3. Technology changed in the 1990s because batteries lasted longer, network speeds increased and cellphones became smaller.



There is a book about a young kid that doesn’t know where he is going but he asks lots of questions about it to try and figure out what it is like. Some of the questions he asks are where is there is there a sign that says here is there? This book is very complicated to understand but if you listen carefully to the book you can tell that the book is about asking questions and that asking questions is very important in life. Some ways that I can connect with this book is that I ask a lot of questions when I don’t understand something and that is a very important thing to do in life.

Connections Enemy Pie

Enemy Pie is a book by Derek Munson that I can connect with in many ways. The first thing that I can connect to with the book is that I love pie and eat it a lot another thing that I can connect with the book is that I have had many enemies in many of the places that I have lived.

Kindness Blog #5

Last Sunday I saw that my neighbor’s dog wanted to go outside but my neighbor couldn’t take him so I offered to take him because I love dogs and it looked like he needed to go outside. This made me feel happy because I love spending time with dogs and it doesn’t cost me anything to take the dog out on a walk.

Kindness Blog #4

Today in math class I saw that Arnold was struggling with his math homework and he was on a question that I had already done so I went and helped him and he figured it out after I helped him. This made me feel good and happy and it has helped me to get through the rest of the happy.


One is a book written and illustrated by Katherine Otoshi it is about blue. Blue is a good color he likes to float in the ocean and he likes playing in the rain but sometimes he wishes that he would be more bright like yellow but overall he liked being blue but red always picked on blue he said red is hot blue is not sometimes yellow said blue is a really pretty color but she never said that in front of red all the other colors also thought that blue was nice but when red picked on blue they would never stand up for him so every time red made blue feel bad he got bigger and bigger. Until one came one was different he was rough around the edges and he was tall. One day all the colors were laughing and red saw them and he went over to them and told them to stop laughing they did but one didn’t he stood up tall in front of red and said no. This story is about how anyone can defeat a bully just by standing up to them.

Kindness Blog #2

Today in math class Arnold needed a compass to draw a circle for the math homework I saw he was struggling with drawing good circles so I lent him my compass. Doing acts of kindness make me feel happy because it makes me happy to see that I made other people happy by just lending something so simple like a compass to draw a circle.

Kindness Blog #1

Today at dinner my brother wasn’t feeling well but it was his turn to unload the dishwasher so my mom wouldn’t let him go to bed so I told him that I would do it and that he could go to bed and rest. This was a random act of kindness because I didn’t know that he was going to be sick. This act made me feel well because I love my brother and seeing him be happy makes me happy.

What Do You Do With An Idea?

What Do You Do With An Idea is a book for all ages written by Kobi Yadama and illustrated by Mae Besom. The story is about a kid who has an idea he wondered what do you with an idea. At first, he didn’t like it seemed strange so he walked away but it followed him. He worried what others would think of his idea so he hid it and he tried to act like everything was the same but then he noticed that there was something special about his idea and that he felt happier when he was around it. The idea wanted food and it wanted to play it needed lots of attention. The idea grew bigger and we became friends. He showed to other people even though he was afraid of what they would think. He was afraid that when people saw it they would laugh at it and he was right many people did laugh at it and they said that it was no good that it was a waste of time. At first, he believed them he felt like giving up on his idea. But then he realized that these people didn’t know his idea like he did and that it was okay if the idea was a little weird and different so he decided to protect it and to care for it he fed it good food and played with it a lot but most importantly he gave it all of his attention. His idea grew and grew so he built it a house one with an open roof so he can look up at the stars one were it was safe to dream. Being with my idea made me feel more alive it shared its secrets with him. The message of this story is that no matter what other people think about your idea if you like its a good idea.